1 on 1 coaching

What’s included

Do you have an Admin who could use some assistance to level-up their skills? Are you an Admin looking to improve your skillset to take that next step in your career? Let us help! Whether you are looking to improve your game of Calendar Tetris, struggle to think ahead to anticipate your executive’s needs, or just want a coach to turn to when facing a new roadblock, we offer 1-on-1 coaching and development to help Admins at all levels of their career, hone in their hard and soft skills and become the proactive business partner that executives need!

1-on-1 biweekly sessions

When you seek this service, you get access to 1-on-1 coaching sessions every two weeks. These sessions are designed to answer your questions and help you improve in the areas you struggle with, while mastering your existing skills and creating a path curated to your work ethics, business goals, and more.

Personalized next steps

Depending on your personal or business needs, we’ll provide you with next steps catered to helping you address any challenges or situations you’re facing as well as tips for how to stay engaged in your growth.

Future-mindset mapping

Besides overcoming your current obstacles, we also work to help you plan the future of your business. Based on our 1-on-1 sessions, we’ll help you begin drafting future business plans and personal or professional goals to set you up for success.

Recommended Packages

Monthly Membership

Biweekly 1-on-1 coaching sessions and 15 minute phone calls once a week as needed, to check in and ask for quick advice.

Annual Membership

Biweekly 1-on-1 coaching sessions, 15 min phone call once a week as needed, once a quarter
2-on-1 check in with Executive and Admin to assist with guidance and relationship building.


Processes and Procedures


Special events